Real Estate

“The new dimension” in Frankfurt’s business district: Commerz Real begins with rebranding of the Eurotheum skyscraper

  • New development of hausInvest property with architect Peter Kulka following departure of European Central Bank
  • Unique multi-tenant concept with areas of 250 square metres upwards
  • INNSIDE Frankfurt Eurotheum prematurely extends lease agreement to 2025

Under the motto “the new dimension” Commerz Real is now commencing with the rebranding of the office and hotel high-rise “Eurotheum” (Mainzer Landstraße 60–66) in Frankfurt’s financial district. Following the departure of the European Central Bank (ECB), the 110-metre-high tower is to be developed into a pioneering multi-tenant property in the coming months, offering state-of-the-art office space in units as small as 250 square metres. INNSIDE Frankfurt Eurotheum, which is located on the upper floors of the building and operated as an exclusive boarding house, has already extended its lease agreement for 3,700 square metres through to 2025.

The high-rise building, which has a total floor area of 21,200 square metres, was completed in 2000 and has been a part of the open-ended real estate fund hausInvest ever since. Roland Holschuh, the Management Board member of Commerz Real AG responsible for real estate asset management: “Hotel, gastronomy and office space in one of Frankfurt’s most attractive skyscrapers – this has long been the key to the success of the Eurotheum. But things are getting even better: with a unique new lobby, designed by a renowned architect. And the possibility, in particular for small companies and branch offices, to find individual areas in a skyscraper. This is something Frankfurt’s financial district has not yet been able to offer.” The comprehensive modernisation and revitalisation measures encompass all the areas that have to date been characterised by the former main tenant: from the foyer, through office space, to the areas around the lifts.

For the redesign Commerz Real has acquired the renowned architect Peter Kulka, who has already overseen numerous prestigious projects such as the state parliament of Saxony in Dresden and the transformation of Senckenberganlage in Frankfurt. Peter Kulka: “I am very pleased to have the opportunity to be allowed to be part of the redevelopment of such a striking urban building as the Eurotheum. This will allow us to set architectural standards, implementing functional needs for the modern age, while using first-class materials to create an outstanding amenity quality. Thus, for example, the new entrance hall can be turned into an event area protected against the elements.” In addition to the transformation of the reception area and foyer, it is also planned to establish co-working zones and to completely rebrand the gastronomy area on the ground floor.

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