Real Estate

New members for the Management Board of Commerz Real AG

  • Johannes Anschott succeeds Dr. Frank Henes
  • Dirk Schuster takes over portfolio of Dr. Eduardo Moran
  • Spheres of responsibility remain unchanged

The Supervisory Board of Commerz Real AG has appointed two new members to the board of managing directors of the wholly-owned Commerzbank subsidiary.

Johannes Anschott (46), currently head of the Commerzbank branch for key accounts in Hamburg, is to join Commerz Real as of 1 April 2016, and as of 15 May 2016 is to assume the position on the Management Board held by Dr. Frank Henes (52), who is leaving the company after nearly six years and has decided to assume a new management function outside the Commerzbank Group. Thanks to his activities in the Group segments Mittelstandsbank and Corporates & Markets, Johannes Anschott has an outstanding institutional client network as well as an extensive structuring and leasing expertise. He has been with Commerzbank since 2000, initially in Frankfurt as Relationship Manager for multinational companies, before spending several years in London. There the graduate of business administration assumed the management of the Corporate Finance Advisory for Western Europe in 2006, and later the function of the Deputy General Manager with responsibility for Corporate Banking, and ultimately the position of the Country Manager UK. Before moving to the Commerzbank Group he had worked for National-Bank Essen as the executive manager and in corporate banking.

As of 1 June 2016 Dirk Schuster (44) will succeed Dr. Eduardo Moran (48), who has been a member of the Management Board since June 2013 and has now decided to assume new management tasks in the Commerzbank Group. In his new function Dirk Schuster will, above all, be contributing extensive real estate know-how and many years of experience as a risk manager. He began his career in the corporate client consulting unit of Dresdner Bank AG. In 2000 the graduate of business administration moved to Deutsche Hypothekenbank, where he played a major role in the merger with Rheinhyp and Eurohypo under the umbrella of Commerzbank. In the newly-formed Eurohypo AG and after his move to Commerzbank AG the main focus of his activities in senior functions over many years was on the areas intensive care and risk management. Since 2012 he has been the Chief Credit Officer and head of the Group division Group Credit Risk Management Core Private Customers.

The responsibilities of the board members remain unchanged following the personnel changes. While Johannes Anschott will be responsible for Asset Structuring, Institutional Investment Products, Equipment Leasing and Group Treasury, the portfolio of Dirk Schuster covers the areas of Risk Controlling and Risk Management, IT & Organisation, Auditing, Legal & Compliance, as well as Consulting & Corporate Management.

“In their respective functions Dr. Frank Henes and Dr. Eduardo Moran have played a key role, in part under difficult market conditions, in successfully refocusing Commerz Real on new business. In this respect I would like to highlight in particular the major challenges posed by the considerable increase in the complexity of regulatory requirements. The fact that Commerz Real was able to conclude this process with virtually no problems at all is, above all, due to the achievements of these two colleagues. I would like to thank Dr. Frank Henes and Dr. Eduardo Moran quite sincerely for the outstanding work they have performed and wish them every success in their new positions,” says Dr. Andreas Muschter, Chief Executive Officer of Commerz Real AG, who thus praised the accomplishments of the departing members. “At the same time I am very pleased that in Johannes Anschott and Dirk Schuster we have been able to acquire two extremely distinguished successors. Thanks to their careers to date, and thus to their associated experience in the Group and their market contacts, they fulfil the prerequisites for their future tasks in Commerz Real in an ideal manner.”

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