Franziska Graef is part of the fourth generation of entrepreneurs in…
Klaus Gumpp ist Geschäftsführer der ParkRaum-Management PRM GmbH mit…
Abdullah Boulad is the founder and managing director of THE BALANCE…
Stephan Dörrschuck ist CEO der Heinrich Kopp GmbH aus Kahl am Main…
Homannomann - it's delicious! Who hasn't heard the legendary HOMANN…
Dr. med. Andreas Kiekenbeck gehört zu den führenden Experten im…
Projektentwicklung, Investment, Hotellerie – Sven J. Köllmann gehört…
Dr. Martin Marianowicz, Munich, is a specialist in orthopaedics,…
Bushra Nadeem is Founder and Managing Director of ARTES Recruitment,…
Urs Nies is Managing Director of DACHKRONE - the German Roof Award,…
Dr. Mirriam Prieß is a doctor, therapist, management consultant and…
Maximilian Seil is a real estate entrepreneur from Wiesbaden. He is…
Micha S. Siebenhandl was CEO of Germany's third-largest optical chain…